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It is celebrated the 23rd April.

Saint George is the Patron Saint of England.


He's popularly identified with England and English ideals of honour, bravery and gallantry, but he wasn't actually English.


There is few information about the real Saint George.

He is the patron of other places such as Aragon, Catalonia, Georgia, Lithuania, Palestine, Portugal, Germany and Greece; and of Moscow, Istanbul, Genoa and Venice (second to Saint Mark).

He's also patron saint of soldiers, archers, cavalry, farmers and riders.

How do people celebrate it?

  • Fly Saint George´s flag.

  • Dress in blue (It is Saint George´s favourite colour)

  • Wear a red rose (it is associated with Saint George´s death)

  • Prepare a big dinner.

  • Enjoy theatre plays of Shakespeare (it is said that they were born and died the same day)

  • Take part in a parade. There are parades all over the country.



Do you know Saint George story?

Click on the picture to watch it!

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